Design and analysis of a 2KVA inverter with photovoltaic solar cell Department: Electrical Electronics Engineering By: sifypatprojects Project ID: 4768 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe design and construction of a 2KVA inverter with solar energy have become increasingly sophisticated and functionally more capable and reliable in recent years. Solar cells are electronic devices that convert sunlight directly into electricity. The modern form of the solar cell was invented in 1954 at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Today, the solar cell is one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies and it is expected that it will play a major role in the future global electricity generation mix. Solar cell systems are also one of the most“democratic” renewable technologies, in that their modular size means that they are within the reach of individuals, co-operatives and small businesses who want to access their own generation and lock in electricity prices. Photovoltaic is the field of technology and research related to the practical application of photovoltaic cells in producing electricity from light, though it is often used specifically to refer to the generation of electricity from sunlight. Cells can be described as photovoltaic even when the light source is not necessarily sunlight (lamplight, artificial light, etc.). In such cases, the cell is sometimes used as a photodetector (for example infrared detectors, detecting light or other electromagnetic radiation near the visible range, or measuring light intensity....Preview Download Preview +Other Electrical Electronics Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»The construction of a 2kva automatic voltage regulator (AVR)»Generation of Constant Power Supply from a DC Source»Design and construction of a digital clock with calendar»Construction of digital AC power controller»A remote controlled AC fan speed regulator using discrete integrated circuit»Remote controlled antenna»The construction of automatic voltage inverter and a battery charger»Design of 2.5kw automatic voltage regulation with seven segment display»Simple sensitive touch alarm»Construction of a car touch intruder alarm»Design and construction of 5kva power inverter»Design and construction of 2KVA inverter»Design and installation of 200 WATT solar power system»Construction of a battery charger»Design and construction of an automatic change over switch