 Home»Computer Science» Computer-based fraud detection and prevention system in banking operations (a case study of Ecobank PLC, Afikpo branch)

Computer-based fraud detection and prevention system in banking operations (a case study of Ecobank PLC, Afikpo branch)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon opc123  

 Project ID: 484
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 22
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This topic computer based fraud detection and prevention system in banking operations, was done in order to prevent and detect fraudulent activities carried out by fraudsters inside and outside the organization Eco-Bank Plc Afikpo which I chose as my case study. Few techniques were adopted to obtain information from the organization, the questionnaire method and face to face interview method. Visual basic 6.0 was used to develop the system, this programming language was chosen because its user friendly and Microsoft access was used for the database design, the use of thumbprint in this new system eliminated the old method of authentication, since nobody has same thumbprint with another person. At the end of this design a perfect system was actualized in detecting and preventing fraud. ...
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