 Home»Computer Science» Computerized electrical power distribution monitoring system

Computerized electrical power distribution monitoring system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Ezekielime  

 Project ID: 4929
   Rating:  (4.3) votes: 3
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This project research is focused on showcasing the means of monitoring the distribution of electrical power across local stations using computerized systems. It examines the concept of a computerized system and its importance in the manipulation of data to present useful and reliable information that will be used for decision-making. The research intends to find out a means of improving the operations of the PHCN, Uyo, by carrying out an analysis on the present method of operation. Also, the study created a new system to replace the old manual system of operation using the results gotten from this research. The research collected information using different research techniques such as interview method, observation method and referencing method. The research collected materials from different texts, magazines and from the internet. ...
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