Taxation and its effect on Nigerian economy - a study of Enugu state tax system Department: Taxation By: bobyuzee Project ID: 5073 Rating: (3.3) votes: 6Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe contribution of tax to any economy cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the revenue function it performs for the government, it is also used to assist the national government to achieve the country’s macro-economic objectives in the areas of fiscal and monetary policies. It has been observed over the years in the Nigerian economy that the taxation derived from companies has been grossly understood due to the improper administration of the Nigerian tax system in the collection and assessment of companies in any fiscal year non-compliance with tax rules and regulations has been a bottleneck which is a key factor in the ineffectiveness in the management of Nigerian tax system. The main objective of this project is to explore the relationship between taxation and the economic development of the country. Primary and secondary data were applied in carrying out this research work contingency chi-square statistics were used to analyze the relationship between tax and Nigeria, economic development. Tax evasion and avoidance are major hindrances to revenue generation, on compliance with tax law on the part of the taxpayers in a hindrance and ineffective tax administration has given enough loopholes leading to poor generation of income. We recommend among others that the computerization of the integrated tax operations for enhancement in revenue collection. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Taxation project topics and materials you might be interested in»Taxation and its effect on Nigerian economy - a study of Enugu state tax system»The effect of personal income tax on the economy of Nigeria»Principles and practices of personal income tax in Nigeria - a study of Kano state board of internal revenue»The effect of value added tax (VAT) as a source of revenue to the Federal Government of Nigeria»The impact of indirect taxes as instruments of economic planning - case study of Oji river»Causes and effects of personal income tax evasion - case study of Abia state