 Home»Economics» Rural tourism development and economic diversification in Nigeria - case study of Owu falls Ifelodun Local Government, Kwara State

Rural tourism development and economic diversification in Nigeria - case study of Owu falls Ifelodun Local Government, Kwara State

 Department: Economics  
 By: usericon Bapatigi7954  

 Project ID: 5088
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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The project is about rural tourism development and economic diversification in Nigeria, with a case study of Owu falls in Kwara state. It uses the primary method of data collected by using focus interviews and questionnaires as well as direct observation of activities at Owa Kajola which is the village that houses the water fall. The t-test was used in analyzing the data gathered. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. In both developed and developing countries, tourism is frequently supposed to be a viable means of raising the economic activity of regions. Additionally, the development of the tourism industry has been noted to promote the destination's image, enabling the region to achieve other objectives, such as business recruitment and retention. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism generates 12% of the global gross national product and it employs around 200 million people worldwide. Tourist arrivals are estimated to reach 1 billion by 2010 and 1.6 billion by 2020 worldwide. Declining economic activity, restructuring of the agricultural sector, dwindling rural industrialization and out-migration of higher educated youth has led to the adoption in many western nations, of tourism as an alternative development strategy for the economic and social regeneration of rural areas (Pompl& Lavery,1993 Williams& Shaw, 1991 Hannigan, 1994a Dernoi,1991 Wickens, 1999)...
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