Influence of gender and locality on the attitude of adolescents towards AIDS Department: Psychology By: francis05 Project ID: 517 Rating: (2.9) votes: 27Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study investigated Influence of Gender and Locality on the Attitude of Adolescent Towards AIDS. 100 were Adolescent randomly selected from urban and rural area for the study. The age range was between 15-19 years with a mean age of 17years. Attitude towards AIDS scale Comoluabi 1995 was used for data collection. The 2x2 factorial design was used and a two way ANOVA was also adopted as a statistical test, findings showed no significant gender difference. Male and female share similar attitude towards AIDS. There was a significant local fact. Those who live in the urban area were found to have more posture attitude than those who live in rural area. There was significant interaction effect, findings were discussed in relation to literature review and recommendation were also made. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Psychology project topics and materials you might be interested in»Influence of gender and locality on the attitude of adolescents towards AIDS»Influence of work shift and marital status on the anxiety level of workers»Influence of parenting styles and peer pressure on delinquent behaviour among senior secondary school students in Kaduna metropolis»Gender and locality as factors influencing assertive behaviour among adolescents