 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of an online bus ticket reservation system (a case study of Akwa Ibom transport company Akwa Ibom)

Design and implementation of an online bus ticket reservation system (a case study of Akwa Ibom transport company Akwa Ibom)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon opc123  

 Project ID: 535
   Rating:  (1.6) votes: 24
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The study examines the design and implementation of an Online Bus Ticket Reservation System. The system solves the problem of inconveniencing passengers who may not be physically present at the bus terminal to buy a bus ticket at a particular time. The system was achieved using the PHP and MYSQL technologies. Bus Ticket Reservation System enables the bus company’s customer to buy bus ticket online this is an easy method which saves a lot of time, it will enable customers in their comfort zone, to search for available tickets and get their data easily without any prior experience with queuing at the counter.  ...
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