 Home»Education» Techniques employed by primary school teachers in controlling pupils classroom undesirable behaviours in Ilorin south local government area of Kwara state

Techniques employed by primary school teachers in controlling pupils classroom undesirable behaviours in Ilorin south local government area of Kwara state

 Department: Education  
 By: usericon rainnjazz  

 Project ID: 5389
   Rating:  (3.6) votes: 7
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The purpose of this study was to examine the techniques employed by primary school teachers in controlling pupil’s classroom undesirable behaviors in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. In recent times, there has been a general outcry about undesirable behaviors among children in society at large and particularly in schools. A descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted and the population consisted of all public primary school teachers in Ilorin South. Purposive and proportional sampling technique were used to select one hundred and eleven (111) qualified public primary school teachers across the fifteen (15) selected schools based on the researcher's interest as the sample size for the study. The instrument used was a self-designed, structured and well-constructed questionnaire in which test re test reliability method was used to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and a co-efficient of 0.93 was established at a 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the findings of this study revealed the classroom undesirable behaviors exhibited by primary school pupils in the study area and such behaviors include excessive noisemaking, bullying, lateness among others. Techniques used by primary school teachers to control them include, reinforcement, reward, satiation for good behaviors while isolation and corporal punishment for inappropriate behaviors. Teachers’ years of experience, age and educational qualification were also found to have a significant influence on the kind of techniques employed by the teachers while teachers’ gender was found not to have any significant influence on the kind of techniques they employed. Recommendation was made based on these findings....
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