 Home»Co-Operative Economics and Management» Cooperative as an instrument for poverty alleviation - case study of Umuahia north

Cooperative as an instrument for poverty alleviation - case study of Umuahia north

 Department: Co-Operative Economics and Management  
 By: usericon Arinze1  

 Project ID: 5394
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This research study is designed to show or/and evaluate how co-operative societies can be used to alleviate poverty in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State. According to H. Calvert, cooperative society is defined as a form of organization wherein people voluntarily associate, together as human beings, on the basis of equality, for the promotion of their economic interests of themselves. Co-operative society is also seen as a voluntary association of individuals combined to achieve an improvement in their social and economic conditions, the common ownership and democratic management and control of the enterprise remains theirs. In Umuahia North L.G.A of Abia State, there are many co-operative societies but for the benefit of this study some societies were selected. Two sources of data namely primary and secondary data were used. Questionnaires were also used as research instruments to supplement information while hypothesis testing was conducted using chi-square (x)2. Poverty hinders the growth and development of our country in the following ways - Insufficient capital - Low per capital income - Corrupt officials - Poor economics of scale etc. On the basis of the above findings and conclusion, the following recommendations were made to eradicate and improve or/and make greater percentage of Nigerians live above the poverty line through adopting the following strategies - FADAMA– This program aims at establishing irrigation to provide vegetables in the country all year round. _ NDE– This is aimed at creating job opportunities by training interested individuals on different skills. With the following programs, cooperative society with the help of the government can immensely eradicate poverty in Nigeria. ...
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