 Home»Surveying and Geoinformatics» Topographic survey of Ikenegbu girls secondary school Owerri Imo state

Topographic survey of Ikenegbu girls secondary school Owerri Imo state

 Department: Surveying and Geoinformatics  
 By: usericon Shallonkay  

 Project ID: 5412
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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This particular project was carried out to provide topographic information of the terrain of Ikenegbu Girls'' Secondary School, Owerri Municipal L.G.A Imo State, to aid in planning and development. This third-order survey is made up of 1.69 Hectares, a perimeter distance of 526.124m and 7 survey stations. The project was carried out on 23rd September. The scope of this project include data search, reconnaissance, monumentation, perimeter survey, traverse computation, back and area computation, topographic (leveling) survey, detailing of the natural and artificial features, the production of topographic plans to a conventional scale of*** and report writing. Reconnaissance was done using Garmin handheld Global Positioning System. Traversing, detailing and spot heightening were done using a Total Station and its accessories, and the processing of the field data was done using Survey Traverse Computation software while the plotting and the digital terrain model were produced in AutoCAD 2018 environment and Surfer 8 Software respectively. The traverse closure of 1/162417 was obtained for the perimeter.  The survey was executed with strict adherence to survey rules and regulations paying attention to client scope. Also, the topographic information was produced in both soft and hard copies....
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