 Home»Building Technology» An investigation into the impact of quality control on construction performance in Owerri, Imo state

An investigation into the impact of quality control on construction performance in Owerri, Imo state

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon Arinze1  

 Project ID: 5416
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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Quality control at construction sites have attracted some research attention over the years, but the way in which safety practices affect the productivity and functioning of workers requires some attention in construction projects. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of compliance with the practice of control measures and productivity of workers in construction projects. Participants with many years of experience in site management in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, received a total of 70 copies of the questionnaire. The data obtained based on the random sampling methods were analyzed with the Statistical percentage. The importance of each of the associated variables, which affects the quality practices of construction workers in construction projects, was determined by an independent sampling test. The descriptive result of the statistical analysis showed that there is a great demand for quality control practices. The results of the study show that workers are dissatisfied with the level of quality control measures practiced within the state, as well as the low involvement of the government in ensuring adherence to the quality control measures at the construction sites within the state. The study recommended some quality control measures to be observed by the quality control managers on every construction site....
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