Evaluation of the mineral content, anti-nutritional factors and functional properties of the complementary food produced from some food using rice, carrot, and soybeans flour blends as case study Department: Nutrition and Dietetics By: ElijahT Project ID: 5417 Rating: (3.3) votes: 6Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe study was embarked on, to evaluate the mineral content, anti-nutritional factors and functional properties of the complementary food produced from some food, using Rice, Carrot and soybeans flour blends as case study. The food samples were prepared and processed to evaluate the mineral contents. The locally available foods formulated in the right proportions can provide nutrients needed by infants at low cost. The formulated complementary food was discovered to be high in macro and micro minerals needed by infants for proper growth and development. The minerals are also generally higher in the samples than that of the control sample except for zinc and iron. Nevertheless, it is still suitable for adoption as a complementary food. The functional properties are also suitable for an ideal complementary food. The anti-nutrients in the food were discovered to be in the safe levels thereby lowering the risk of toxicity. The formulations can be used as complementary food in place of traditional complementary foods that are usually thin and less nutrient dense, this would in turn help to combat the issue of undernutrition in children....Preview Download Preview +Other Nutrition and Dietetics project topics and materials you might be interested in»Nutritional status and energy drinking consumption pattern of undergraduate students in tertiary institution of Osun state»Health and nutritional problems associated with food allergy in Doko Lavun Lga Niger state»Assessment of factors leading to malnutrition among children 0 - 5 years - case study of Nasarawa Lga, Kano state»Body mass index (BMI) and feeding pattern of students of school of business administration and management (SBAM) Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niger state»Effect of cigarette smoking on the health status of youths in Nigeria»Knowledge attitude and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in Dokodza Bida, Niger state»Complementary feeding and hygiene practice among caregivers in Wadata ward Bida, Niger state»The role of breast feeding in the growth and development of a child - case study of Zing local government area»Evaluation of the mineral content, anti-nutritional factors and functional properties of the complementary food produced from some food using rice, carrot, and soybeans flour blends as case study»Knowledge attitude and consumption of alcoholic beverages among male students of college of administration and business studies, Bida, Niger state»Attitude of female staff toward infant and young child feeding practice particularly exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding»Comparative study of nutrient profile of grasshopper and cricket»Nutritional knowledge, dietary practice, nutritional status of pregnant women attending Turai hospital, Katsina»Occupational stress, coping strategies, nutritional and dietary assessment of some selected bank staff in Osogbo - case study of First Bank plc, Access Bank, and Guarantee Trust Bank»Assessment of mothers knowledge, attitude and practice regarding childhood vaccination during the first five years of life in Comprehensive Primary Health Care Kofar Kaura, Katsina