The effect of electronic banking on the performance of banks in Nigeria (case study of Diamond bank and Access bank) Department: Banking and Finance By: samadchuks Project ID: 5444 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study reviewed electronic banking (e-banking examined its prospects for Nigerian banks and discussed associated risks. The study also went further to state the guidelines for e-banking as provided by the Central Bank of Nigeria, made known its legal and regulatory measures and lastly discussed electronic payment in Nigeria. E-banking, it also observed, holds enormous potential for the banking industry in Nigeria. Despite the fact that the problem of inadequate security and inadequate power supply persists, the adoption of e-banking has improved customer services, facilitated accurate records, provides for homes and improves the banks' image and leads to a wider, faster and more efficient market. The questionnaire method was used in gathering primary data from 68 respondents of Diamond and Access Bank in Owerri and Onitsha respectively. While secondary data was sourced from Internet Journals and Library. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentages while the hypothesis was tested using chi-square (x2) to know if the introduction of electronic banking has an effect on the performance of banks in Nigeria. Based on the study conducted, summary of findings was made which reviews,“the extant literatures that have expounded the existing factors that affect the electronic banking system in Nigeria” conclusions were drawn and recommendations were also given. It is recommended that critical infrastructure like power, security and telecommunication should be strengthened to the application of electronic Nigeria and optimum satisfaction on the part of customers....Preview Download Preview +Other Banking and Finance project topics and materials you might be interested in»The role of central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the development of Nigeria financial sector»Appraisal of the economic implication of electronic banking in Nigerian banks (A case study of diamond bank)»The impact of strategic planning on banks performance in Nigeria (A case study of united bank for Africa plc)»Evaluation of the impact of liquidity management on banks performance in Nigeria ( A case study of UBA )»The roles of central bank of Nigeria in the prevention of bank failure or liquidation (A case study of central bank of Nigeria 2005-2009)»The role of financial institutions in promoting banking habit and saving capital formation in Nigeria»The effect of electronic banking on fraud reduction in bank (A case study of access bank plc)»The effectiveness of monetary policy measures in controlling inflation in Nigeria»Problems and challenges facing finance houses in the Nigerian economy ( A case study of mortgage bank owerri )»The role of deposit money bank in Nigeria in economy development in Nigeria - a case study of Access Bank Plc»Motivation as a way of reducing fraud in banking industry ( A case study of UBA and Fidelity bank )»Identification and management of bad debts in Nigeria commercial banks(A case study of UBA plc)»The impact of insurance industry on the economic growth of Nigeria (A case study of nicon and hallmark insurance companies 2005-2009)»The contribution and effect of computer to modern day banking in Nigeria (A case study of zenith bank and first bank plc)»The use of accounting information in assessing control and performance in an organization (A case study of first bank of Nigeria owerri)