 Home»Mechanical Engineering» Metal fabrication of half moon office table

Metal fabrication of half moon office table

 Department: Mechanical Engineering  
 By: usericon Arinze1  

 Project ID: 5575
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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This work is an attempt to produce a table that will last longer than ordinary wood furniture and increase the resistance to shear force due to the load it will carry. Metal furniture has been used for the construction of small components because of its weight but modern days have introduced some types of metals that are light in weight and can give more satisfactory value than the heavy metals. Appropriate materials were subsequently selected and fabricated to the required sizes to form the frame, the ply-wood were then cut and fastened with screws to the size of the frame they will cover. The metal/wood furniture (table) was then assembled and tested thus satisfying the objective for which it was designed....
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