 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a web-based student collaborative library

Design and implementation of a web-based student collaborative library

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 558
   Rating:  (2.4) votes: 10
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Library has been a very important aspect of education and information sector of any institution. The success/failure of any library largely depends on proper management. So many libraries have suffered failure because of the inadequate management in handling information as regards members and users of the library. It''s now therefore aimed at developing a web-based student collaborative library, which will help direct and position library to meet its ever-increasing demands in higher institution, Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) as a case study. In the course of the development of this new system, the current system was analytically and critically studied or assessed and thus the identified strengths and weaknesses were highlighted and a new system was designed for the weakness. PHP, a web programming language was used to code the program modules developed for the system while Microsoft access was used for the database. ...
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