 Home»Computer Science» Computerized management information system in bursary department

Computerized management information system in bursary department

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon linus081  

 Project ID: 560
   Rating:  (1.2) votes: 60
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School fees payment and clearance for examination protocol in Caritas University is one exercise the students detest a lot. The reason for this is not far-fetched the manual processing method in use. This manual process is time-consuming and prone to errors. The delay is even more pronounced during the clearance period when all the students submit their receipts to the clearance officer for verification before an examination. As expected in manual processes, this has led to endless queues during the clearance period. The queuing is as a result of the clearance officer personally going through the receipts of the students and in the process, some have misplaced their receipt. This project work focuses on developing software that can handle this task efficiently. The clearance officer can now verify the students for examination without the need for them queuing because the process is now computerized which will be fast, reliable and efficient....
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