 Home»Health Information Management» Assessment of clinical coding practice and its impact on the quality of health care services

Assessment of clinical coding practice and its impact on the quality of health care services

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon iamjahmeyou  

 Project ID: 5606
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This study consists of five chapters. The researcher use a survey design, which involved the use of questionnaires for the purpose of getting relevant responses of the respondents regarding this topic“assessment of clinical coding practice and its impact on the quality of health care services, a sample of 100 people participated in this study and simple random sampling techniques were applied to select them from the population of both staff and patients in the hospital, which eventually lead the researcher to distribute 100 questionnaires to the respondents. A simple percentage was used in analyzing the biodata section, while the research questions section was analyzed by using chi-square techniques. According to various literature reviewed, clinical coding and indexing are very important to the health care sector, poor motivation and compensation packages to health care personnel involved in clinical coding can serve as demotivation to the stronger indexing of the diseases conditions and operation procedures. The research questions were formulated and based on the analysis of the responses obtained in this study, there is the delivery of effective health care services to the patients in the study area.   ...
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