 Home»Health Information Management» Assessment of impact of coding and indexing in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano

Assessment of impact of coding and indexing in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon iamjahmeyou  

 Project ID: 5608
   Rating:  (3.0) votes: 2
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This study investigated the impact of clinical and indexing for decision-making at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. The objectives of the study are:- to explore the extraction of clinical data for clinical coding and indexing to assess the importance of coding and indexing in the hospital, to reveal how healthcare personnel access coded data for decision making in the teaching hospital management eighty questionnaires were distributed, eighty questionnaires were retrieved return rate. Data were analyzed using tables. Findings revealed that coding and indexing is very important in the hospital and are utilized in the hospital for the following purpose research work, statistical compilation, planning and facilitating easy retrieval of patients' record. Based on the finding the following recommendations are made: hospital management should pay attention to the unit also, data supplied by the coding and indexing section should be utilized in order to ensure that effective and efficient health care delivery is been given to the populace. ...
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