 Home»Building Technology» An assessment of the impact of building maintenance in the economy of Nigeria - case study of Owerri municipal

An assessment of the impact of building maintenance in the economy of Nigeria - case study of Owerri municipal

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon samadchuks  

 Project ID: 5696
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 6
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Building maintenance involves preserving a building so that it can retain its economic value and durability. Maintenance is a very important aspect of facilities management that requires planning because lack of maintenance leads to serious economic loss. This research work was carried out to access the current state of maintenance of public buildings in public institutions in Nigeria Owerri Municipal as a case study. It also proffers solutions to maintenance problems.  The field investigation focused on staff residential houses, students’ hostels, offices and classrooms. Questionnaires were used to collate data/information on 500 residential apartments, offices and a total of 260 hostel rooms were examined. The results were analyzed statistically. The results show that about 80% of the buildings within the Local Government require immediate maintenance. Maintenance works are also needed at the staff residential buildings, students’ hostels, offices and classrooms....
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