Assessment of levels of pollution of water boreholes in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo state Department: Agricultural Engineering By: samadchuks Project ID: 5721 Rating: (3.3) votes: 6Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractIn this study, some borehole water samples in Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri in Imo State were investigated. Random samples of borehole water samples were collected with distills container after pumping for about 2-5 minutes to collect representative samples from the borehole. These samples were taken to the laboratory for physic-chemical parameter analysis. The parameters tested were water PH, Electrical conductivity, water hardness, turbidity and temperature. Other parameters also tested include calcium, Sodium, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphate, Nitrate, Iron, Sulphate, Chloride and lead. The results showed that water PH within World Health Organization's permissible standard for drinking water and for other domestic use (6.5 - 8.5). Other samples tested were in conformity with WHO permissible standard for drinking water but showed slight contamination by wasters around the school premises which include solid, liquid and gaseous from this study is concluded that the borehole water samples in Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FPNO) is good for consumption. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Agricultural Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»Construction of a low cost drip irrigation system for water melon production»Design, construction and testing of a solar dryer»Evaluation of cheese quality using graded level of different plant extracts as milk coagulant»Assessment of levels of pollution of water boreholes in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo state»Assessment of water quality of hand dug well (case study of Sabon Layin Bali local government area)»Evaluation of the effect of temperature on shape in drying performance of cassava chips»Rehabilitation of an existing green house