 Home»Health Information Management» Availability and the use of electronic health records in secondary tier health facilities - case study of General Hospital Ilorin

Availability and the use of electronic health records in secondary tier health facilities - case study of General Hospital Ilorin

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon iamjahmeyou  

 Project ID: 5761
   Rating:  (4.0) votes: 3
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This research work evaluates the knowledge, attitude and acceptability of electronic health records among health information management professionals in General Hospital Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State. Its specific objectives include: ascertaining knowledge of the EHR system that health information management professionals in UITH, Ilorin, have to evaluate the attitude of health information management professionals on electronic health records in UITH, Ilorin, to assess utilization of electronic health records among health information management professional in UITH, Ilorin and to investigate the level of acceptance of electronic health records in UITH, Ilorin. The study adopted descriptive research. The population for this study comprised all the information management professionals in UITH, Ilorin. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages and mean were used to measure demographic characteristics of respondents and research questions 1 to 4, while inferential statistical tool like Pearson chi-square was used to test for null hypotheses at 0.5 level of significance. The finding of the study showed that information management professionals are knowledgeable, utilize and have a positive attitude on EHR. .  Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Hospital management of the UITH should adopt standardized electronic health records as the standard for documentation practices among Information management and ensure regular training of the Information management professional workforce on this technology in order to ensure better quality of care....
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