 Home»Building Technology» Evaluation of safety performance level on building construction firms in Owerri, Imo state

Evaluation of safety performance level on building construction firms in Owerri, Imo state

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon mrdelight  

 Project ID: 5866
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The construction industry is considered one of the most hazardous industrial sectors wherein the construction workers are more prone to accidents. Despite recent efforts to improve site safety, construction still accounts for a disproportionate number of occupational-related fatalities. In developed countries, there is strict legal enforcement of safety in, the construction industry and also in the implementation of safety management systems that are designed to minimize or eliminate accidents at workplaces. However, occupational safety in the construction industry is very poor in developing countries because of lack of safety regulations and standards, low priority of safety, lack of data on safety at construction sites, lack of safety training, lack of safety promotion, and lack of documented and organized safety management systems. This study deals with the safety performance measurement of various construction firms in Owerri Imo State. This study also investigates the prevalent safety management practices and perceptions in the construction industry. The study was conducted on construction sites in and around Owerri city through method of questionnaire survey, interview and discussion. The results of the study will reveal the safety level of construction firms in Owerri and also the factors which are all the reason for non-safety performance of firms. Furthermore, the study also proposes some recommendations for safer construction. ...
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