 Home»Business Administration and Management» The impact of human relationship on the achievement of organisational goals - case study of Unilever Nigeria plc Aba, Abia state

The impact of human relationship on the achievement of organisational goals - case study of Unilever Nigeria plc Aba, Abia state

 Department: Business Administration and Management  
 By: usericon fctnett  

 Project ID: 5991
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Human relationship is an important skill of management. In an organizational structure, human relationship as an effective way by a manager is very crucial. The emergence of the human relationship concept in practical administration generally brought about changes in the organizational management structure. Eventually, this realization has led to creative thinking and bridging various lacunas copiously seen in many organizational lives hitherto attainment of organizational goals. The application of the human relationship approach has helped many organizations to survive in face of tiny resources today. Most organizational success can amply be linked to the degree of human relationship approach adopted in the management of the organization's human resources. This project, therefore, viewed the impact of human relationship on the achievement of organizational goals in Unilever PLC by taking an overview appraisal of the concept, its importance, discussion, summary, recommendations and references. ...
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