Design and implementation of a computerized restaurant management information system Department: Computer Science By: bapatigi7954 Project ID: 600 Rating: (2.5) votes: 22Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis project work is primarily designed to give an insight to computer based restaurant management information system. It is as a result of problem associated with the existing system which involves the use of manual method in keeping information in the system. So among the numerous problems associated with the existing system are staff are spending far too much time chasing mistakes instead of tending to customers, sales going unrecorded, inventory doesn’t match your tallies and other. Computerized management information system database information system used by restaurant personnel to collect data, process it and also store it for future use. Researcher used visual basic in designing the system and Microsoft office as the database system. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Computer Science project topics and materials you might be interested in»Design and Implementation of digital library system»Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-Learning System ( Case study of Lagos State University)»Design and Implementation of online cash receipt generating system for a supermarket»Design and Implementation of computerized hospital database management system»Design and Implementation of Student Project Management and Allocation System»Design and Implementation of a Software Result Processing and Transcript Generation System»Design and Implementation of a Hotel Database Management System and Service ( A Case Study of Winter Suites and Hotels, Owerri)»Design and Implementation of Online Birth and Death Registration System»Design and Implementation of Online Clearance System»Design and Implementation of Loan Management System with SMS Notification»Design and Implementation of Computerized Staff Record Department»Design and Implementation of a Computerized Fraud Detection in a Bank»Design and Implementation of Cyber Cafe Security»Design and Implementation of N.Y.S.C Posting System ( A case study of N.Y.S.C Enugu)»Design and Simulation of a Secured Wireless Network