 Home»Building Technology» Quality control as an effective tool for efficient project delivery - case study of Imo state

Quality control as an effective tool for efficient project delivery - case study of Imo state

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon bobyuzee  

 Project ID: 6061
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The construction industry has been characterized by improper quality control, inadequate planning and project abandonment. It is important to understand the benefits of quality control and identify and reinforce good practice, to achieve this questionnaire was designed and distributed oral interviews were made together with literature review. It has been noted that quality control is averagely adhered to in most construction sites, the use of quacks instead of professional and inadequate supervision has been the major problems inherent in the construction industry today in our country. Government should make it mandatory that buildings carry certificate of fitness for human habitation. Procurement method in use should be amended to allow professional builders to be more actively involved in the project from the planning, design and construction stages to ensure the buildability and maintainability of the project. ...
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