 Home»Computer Science» The development of a QR code scanner and generator for Android devices

The development of a QR code scanner and generator for Android devices

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon ibrahym  

 Project ID: 6177
   Rating:  (4.5) votes: 2
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Smart devices are currently considered one of the most important facilities for managing data. In this research, an android application has been developed, known as the QR code scanner and generator, which is capable of scanning and generating QR codes for android users. The application that has been developed in the research is compactable to only android devices, the method used in the development of the application includes the use of the android studio, dart programming language, the flutter framework and Google chrome was used as an emulator to be able to view the system as it is built. One of the major advantages of the application is the capability of storing huge amounts of data, including text, web URL, links etc. which can easily be shared. The application plays a vital role in the marketing sector which assists in the advertisement aspect for marketers to easily reach their target audience in the global market. ...
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