Effect of NPK fertilizer and intra-row spacing on growth and yield of Sesame (Sesamumindicum l.) in Sokoto Sudan Savanna, Nigeria Department: Crop Science By: ibrahym Project ID: 6178 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe field experiment was carried out in the 2020 rainy season at the Faculty of Agriculture Teaching and Research Dry land farm UsmanuDanfodiyo University Sokoto, to investigate the effect of NPK and intra-row spacing on the growth and yield of Sesame (SesamumindicumL.). The treatments which consisted of four (4) NPK (15:15:15) fertilizer rates (0 kg/ha, 50 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha) and three (3) intra-row spacing (25 cm, 50 cm, and 75 cm) replicated three (3) times. Data were taken on plant height, Establishment count, number of leaves per plant, leaf length per plant, days to 50 percent flowering, number of pods per plant, pod length per plant and seed yield. The data generated were subjected to analysis of variance as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). Where difference between treatment means was found to be statistically significant, mean separation was done using Duncan''s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Analyzed data revealed that among the growth related factors, plant height, establishment count, and seed yield per unit land area were statistically significantly affected by intra-row spacing. Also, number of pods per plant was found to be statistically significantly affected by NPK fertilizer. On the other hand, number of leaves, leaf length and days to 50 percent flowering were not statistically significantly affected by neitherintra row spacing or NPK fertilizer....Preview Download Preview +Other Crop Science project topics and materials you might be interested in»Effect of NPK fertilizer and intra-row spacing on growth and yield of Sesame (Sesamumindicum l.) in Sokoto Sudan Savanna, Nigeria»Studies of yield and yield related traits in some hybrids of maize (Zea Mays L.) genotypes