Assessment of water quality of hand dug well (case study of Sabon Layin Bali local government area) Department: Agricultural Engineering By: Sirjoseph Project ID: 6187 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractDrinking water or portable water safe enough to be consumed by humans or used with low risk of immediate or long-term harm, the present study aimed to evaluate water quality parameters of water source in the study area, also to determine the suitability of well water for drinking and domestic use and to suggest the possible treatment process. Water samples collected from five different hand dug wells were subjected to physicochemical turbidity, conductivity, pH, temperature and colour of all the hand dug well water was below the WHO limits for all while alkalinity, and conductivity show also below the WHO limits for all samples except hand dug W1, within the range. Iron content results showed hand dug well W2, W3, W4, and W5 with values above WHO limit while w1 gave values within the range. Generally, the results exhibited significant variables attributed to the hand dug well. To provide safe drinking water study suggests that the hand dug well water should be treated against calcium and iron before consumption. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Agricultural Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»Construction of a low cost drip irrigation system for water melon production»Design, construction and testing of a solar dryer»Evaluation of cheese quality using graded level of different plant extracts as milk coagulant»Assessment of levels of pollution of water boreholes in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo state»Assessment of water quality of hand dug well (case study of Sabon Layin Bali local government area)»Evaluation of the effect of temperature on shape in drying performance of cassava chips»Rehabilitation of an existing green house