 Home»Community Health» An assessment of the factors responsible for non-compliance to immunization program - case study of Furfuri Bungudu local government, Zamfara state

An assessment of the factors responsible for non-compliance to immunization program - case study of Furfuri Bungudu local government, Zamfara state

 Department: Community Health  
 By: usericon Raheemmuhammad  

 Project ID: 6193
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This prospective study investigated nursing mothers’ knowledge and factors influencing compliance there with immunization regimens in a state government-owned children's hospital– Oni Memorial Children Hospital, Zamfara State, Nigeria on Jan 5th, 2005. The study population comprised of mothers who had children aged between 15-25 months. Two hundred (200) nursing mothers who consented were randomly selected from 210 nursing mothers that daily visited the clinic on immunization day of January 5th, 2005 with structured questionnaires administered. There were 15.4% of mothers having enough knowledge of immunization regimen compliance and 28.6% of mothers without enough knowledge. 38.6% of mothers with post-secondary education complied as against 3.6% of mothers with the same post secondary education who did not comply. 45.0% of mothers viewed health workers’ attitudes as pleasant while 8.6% of mothers perceived otherwise. 46.4% of mothers employed by various organizations complied as against 27.9% self-employed mothers who did not comply. 28.6% of mothers presenting their third baby at the time of the study complied while 2.9% of mothers with their third baby did not comply. Five hypotheses were tested using chi-square at 0.05 level of significance, and all the hypotheses were rejected. Though, it was discovered that most mothers studied had enough knowledge of the common childhood diseases, as well as the importance of immunization in combating such, several factors, have been found that can influence compliance with the immunization regimen. ...
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