 Home»Office Technology and Management» Job opportunities for graduate secretaries in this millennium

Job opportunities for graduate secretaries in this millennium

 Department: Office Technology and Management  
 By: usericon bapatigi7954  

 Project ID: 6234
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This study has its main objectives of identifying the extent of job opportunities available to graduate secretaries in Enugu metropolis and to see whether there are problems militating against this. The need for the study stems from people's wrong notion that secretarial studies is synonymous with typewriting and shorthand and therefore secretaries are mere typists and stenographers and because of this level of training, they cannot hold managerial and administrative positions. Office automation has also brought its own problems while some areas are yet to be appropriated due to lack of training. And the researcher delved into the study to obtain the true position of things. Structured questionnaire was used for the collection of data and analysis was done using tables and simple percentage method. The findings show that secretaries study other management and administrative courses aside the professional courses. Many tertiary institutions offering secretarial studies do not have sophisticated secretary job-related machines for their training. Job opportunities exist for secretaries in the public sector, big commercial and industrial concerns, oil companies, and international organizations. However, in the areas of legal, medical, technical and linguistic secretaryship, employment opportunities are yet to be exploited by secretaries due to lack of training. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended a broadening of the course curriculum, equipment of tertiary institutions with modern office machines, positive perception and fair treatment of secretaries, and extermination of quacks in the profession etc.   ...
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