Socio-economic analysis of small scale fish farming enterprise in Katsina state (case study of Matazu local government area) Department: Fisheries Technology By: captainonuh1414 Project ID: 6286 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦2000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractA study on the socio-economic analysis of small-scale fish in farming Matazu was conducted. Characteristics of the farmers/problem faced and the nature of fish farm production in the area was obtained from 20 respondents with structured interview guides, which were selected using simple sampling techniques. The results reveal that the majority (70.0%) of the fish farmers are male while (85.0%) are in the active age distribution of 20-25 years, completed secondary school (75.0%) and (50.0%) were practicing farming as their primary occupation, majority of 10 frequency. Result of the descriptive analysis and tests of significance however showed that there was a significant relationship between socio-economic characteristics and constraints of fish farming in the study area. Government should try as much as possible to educate fish farmers and owner on the needs and method of fish processing and preservation. Implication of these findings were critically examined and pertinent recommendations were proffered based on the silent finding in the study. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Fisheries Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»The identification of prevalence microbes associated with frozen fish marketed in owerri metropolis»Effect of fermentation of cassava pomace on growth and survival of Oreochromis Niloticus»A survey of physico-chemical parameters of selected earthen ponds in Makurdi metropolis»Prediction and control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish»Socio-economic analysis of small scale fish farming enterprise in Katsina state (case study of Matazu local government area)