A survey of physico-chemical parameters of selected earthen ponds in Makurdi metropolis Department: Fisheries Technology By: Johngrey Project ID: 6375 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe main aim of the study is to investigate physico-chemical parameters of selected earthen ponds in Makurdi Metropolis. Water samples were collected from four different earthen ponds within Makurdi metropolis and laboratory analysis for water physicochemical parameters was carried out on the samples collected. The results of the experiment showed that water pH were higher (7.443±0.440) at Oracle Farm while it was lowest (7.017±0.806) at the Ohegbe Fish Farm. This however showed no significant differences (p0.05). Water temperature was higher (26.573±1.594) at the Ochepson fish farm while it was lowest in the JOSTUM fish farm (26.183±1.312) with no significant difference (P0.05). Conductivity was higher (360.00±13.08) in pond water of Oracle Farm while it was lower (299.6±32.1) at the earthen pond of JOSTUM fish farm. The results also indicated that turbidity was higher (93.1±34.8) at the Oracle Farm while it was lower (67.26±8.47) at the Ochepson Farms. Dissolved oxygen was higher (4.423±0.507) at Oracle Farm while it was lower (4.1500±1.069) at the Ohegbe Fish Farm at 0.5% degree of difference. Biochemical oxygen demand was higher at Ohegbe fish farm while it was lower (0.777±0.0700) at JOSTUM fish farm while total hardness was higher (177.1±122.8) at the Ochepson farms while it was lower (162.2±107.4) at the Oracle Farm with no significant difference (p0.5%). The results of the research also showed that total hardness was higher (42.067±0.808) while it was lower (39.67±2.02) and also had no significant difference across the different ponds....Preview Download Preview +Other Fisheries Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»The identification of prevalence microbes associated with frozen fish marketed in owerri metropolis»Effect of fermentation of cassava pomace on growth and survival of Oreochromis Niloticus»A survey of physico-chemical parameters of selected earthen ponds in Makurdi metropolis»Prediction and control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish»Socio-economic analysis of small scale fish farming enterprise in Katsina state (case study of Matazu local government area)