Prediction and control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish Department: Fisheries Technology By: captainonuh1414 Project ID: 6395 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research work entitled“Prediction and control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish in Nigeria, a case study of Katsina”. The main objective of this research is to examine the method of prediction of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish in Nigeria to examine the approaches for the control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish in Nigeria. Research is designed to investigate and show the importance of fresh and dried fish marketing business, and eradicating poverty in society. All the activities in collecting the necessary data and information. This chapter explained the procedures that were adopted in the study and the instrument used in collecting the relevant data in order to ensure appropriate research work and to gather enough relevant information from the respondent, the researcher made use of questionnaires prepared in relation to the multiple bar chart. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the entire fish sellers believed that the fish business can eradicate poverty and they are gaining about 5,000 Naira in a day. Majority of the respondents have benefitted from government assistance programs but their major problems are disaster, electricity, and migration despite that dried fish make more profit than fresh business. Lastly, there is a significant difference between the profit of fresh fish and that of dried fish. It is recommended that government should provide assistance by giving loans to the fish sellers and training on how to handle the business should be acquired by both fresh and frozen fish sellers and locate a distributor for the types of fish they wish to carry. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Fisheries Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»The identification of prevalence microbes associated with frozen fish marketed in owerri metropolis»Effect of fermentation of cassava pomace on growth and survival of Oreochromis Niloticus»A survey of physico-chemical parameters of selected earthen ponds in Makurdi metropolis»Prediction and control of the spoilage of fresh cured and dried tropical fish»Socio-economic analysis of small scale fish farming enterprise in Katsina state (case study of Matazu local government area)