 Home»Computer Science» Object detection and recognition system using Tensorflow.js

Object detection and recognition system using Tensorflow.js

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Filirite  

 Project ID: 6411
   Rating:  (1.8) votes: 5
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Object Recognition has been a field of interest to many researchers. In fact, it has been referred to as the most important problem in machine or computer vision. Researchers have developed many algorithms to solve the problem of object recognition that are machine vision motivated. On the other hand, biology has motivated researchers to study the visual system of humans and animals such as monkeys and map it into a computational model. Some of these models are based on the feed-forward mechanism of information communication in the cortex where the information is communicated between the different visual areas from the lower areas to the top areas in a feed-forward manner. The human visual system, naturally, utilizes both feed-forward and feedback mechanisms in the operation of perceiving the surrounding environment. Both feed-forward and feedback mechanisms are integrated in a way that makes the visual system of the human outperform any state-of-the-art system. In this research, a proposed model (software) of object detection and recognition based on the concept TensorFlow is presented....
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