 Home»Library and Information Science» Problems and challenges of using libraries software in Nigerian university libraries

Problems and challenges of using libraries software in Nigerian university libraries

 Department: Library and Information Science  
 By: usericon captainonuh1414  

 Project ID: 6436
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This study seeks to look at the problems and challenges of using library software in Nigerian university libraries of Umaru Musa Yar’adua University library. The findings of this study are to find out, the problems and challenges of using library software in Nigerian universities library, in chapter one after the introduction the chapter has explained the background of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and definition of the terms. Chapter two explained the review of related literature that is the concept of software application, problems and challenges of using library software, advantage of library software, problems hindering the use of software, chapter three explained research design, the method used in data collection, population of the study, sample of the study, sampling techniques and administration of research instrument. Chapter four explained data analysis that is the data collected has been analyzed and interpret and summary of findings. Chapter five summarize concluded and recommended this research work. Questionnaire was used for the study and random sampling techniques is the sampling used. The study related that there are a number of problems and challenges in using library software.   ...
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