 Home»Building Technology» Investigate the role of the local government authorities in minimizing the incessant building collapse in Nigeria

Investigate the role of the local government authorities in minimizing the incessant building collapse in Nigeria

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon samadchuks  

 Project ID: 6458
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The incidences of building collapse have become very frequent in recent times, particularly within the country. These incidences of collapsed buildings have continued to“embattle’ professionals and stakeholders alike in the construction industry, even as all efforts are being made to stem the tide of occurrences and mishaps. We read on the pages of newspapers or hear from our radios or television sets, news of buildings collapsing and killing or maiming of occupants or workmen on what may now be regarded as a recurrent feature of our national life. It is indeed a very sad aspect of our socio-economic life that we should allow those who do not possess the skills at appropriate levels to design and supervise the erection of buildings and other structures. In view of the rising prices of goods and services in the country, I think it is about time that those whose duties, it is to act, come out with suitable building codes and bylaws that will guarantee the lives and properties of innocent citizens, who may still perish due to such avoidable mistakes, that have been responsible for the untimely death of occupants of building structures in the recent past. This study is also addressing the need for the local government authorities to play their roles in the construction industry to stem the spate of building collapse in Nigeria....
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