 Home»Health Information Management» Strategies for improving health records management in Gwana Angwan Hospital Kakuri, Kaduna

Strategies for improving health records management in Gwana Angwan Hospital Kakuri, Kaduna

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon Sirwealth  

 Project ID: 6492
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Absorbing the best strategies and practices for improving health record management of Health Information Management Professionals in achieving quality patient care in healthcare settings is very critical. This study examines the strategies for improving health records management of HIM professionals in Gowon Angwon Hospital Kaduna. Lack of improvement and empowerment of health workers such as inadequate motivation impedes efficient service delivery in H.I.M department. Specifically, the study sought to identify strategies that improve or encourage effective and efficient service delivery, factors that may cause dissatisfaction among HIM employees, and the impact of motivation as one of the strategies on HIM professionals' Performance. The chapter two reviewed relevant literatures of authors who have written in this line. Research questions were formulated to aid data collection. Survey descriptive research design was employed. The population of the study was HIM employees in Gwana Angwan Hospital, Kakuri, Kaduna. A sample of 54 HIM employees’ were the participants in this study. Simple random sampling procedure was adopted in selecting the 54 respondents.  The research instrument used was a structured questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency tables, percentages and mean.  The findings revealed service delivery can be improved through employee competency, participation, training and development, incentives and rewards and favorable conditions of employment.  The study concluded that the major pre-requisite to achieving efficient service delivery is the training and development of adequate and appropriate human resources.  The study recommended that leadership of HIM department should introduce job matching in the department by putting the right person in the right place, absenteeism should be reduced and employee abilities be developed through training and development to improve efficient service delivery....
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