 Home»Health Information Management» Awareness of teenage pregnancy and motherhood among women in Bomadi town in Bomadi local government area, Delta state

Awareness of teenage pregnancy and motherhood among women in Bomadi town in Bomadi local government area, Delta state

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon iamjahmeyou  

 Project ID: 6641
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The study was conducted in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State. The population of the study comprised of all teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 years in Bomadi town in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State with a total population of three thousand (300) persons between the ages of 13 to 19 years of age. The instrument adopted for this study entitled“Awareness of Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood Questionnaire (ATPMQ)”. The questionnaire was administered to the respondents by the researcher with the aid of the community head in the selected communities in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State, after administration of the questionnaires the researcher personally retrieved the questionnaires from the respondents. The retrieved questionnaires were subjected to analysis using the mean and results presented in frequency distribution tables. The study found out those lots of factors brings about teenage pregnancy among teenagers Bomadi, these include peer pressure, lack of knowledge on teenage pregnancy, poor state of family and influence of pornographic movies. Teenage pregnancy has lots of effects this include increase in the dropout rate of students, psychosocial effects, disruption of schooling activities and also leads to teenage abortion among students in secondary schools. From the findings, the researcher recommends that Parental advice and supervision could be an essential tool to check teenage pregnancy and also the schools should organize campaigns against early sexual activities and early marriage ...
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