Influence of information and communication technology on teaching business studies in junior secondary schools in Tarauni local government area of Kano state Department: Education By: mbccafesrcoe Project ID: 6645 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe study was aimed at analyzing the Influence of ICT on the teaching of Business Studies in some selected junior secondary schools in Tarauni Local Government Area, Kano State. The study employed descriptive survey design. The sample size for this study consisted of twenty (20) Business Studies teachers and Eighty (80) students who were randomly selected from five Junior Secondary schools in Tarauni Local Government Area of Kano State. A total of one hundred (100) respondents formed the sample size for the study. The study found that the application of ICT in teaching and learning of Business Studies has improved the quality of Education in Nigeria Teachers and Students lack proper orientation when ICT facilities are not properly used in teaching and learning Business Studies ICT has provided easy access to the internet facilities for the students to enhance learning. It was recommended that Government should provide ICT facilities in secondary schools for effective teaching and learning of Business Studies and other subjects, business studies teachers and students should have access to ICT facilities, regular training and seminars should be organized for Business studies teachers in junior secondary schools on the application of ICT to enhance the teaching of Business studies. And also government should facilitate the re-engineering of research and development in junior schools, using ICT tools and devices....Preview Download Preview +Other Education project topics and materials you might be interested in»Strategies for improving low academic performance in English language in secondary schools»The effect of continuous assessment on academic performance of students in school (a case study of Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state)»Influence of social media on the performance of secondary school students as perceived by teachers»The use of extensive reading in promoting communication competence in secondary school»The effect of overpopulation on the academic performance of students - a case study of Uselu secondary school, Benin City»Effect of drill and practice on the academic achievement of students in English language in junior secondary schools»Evaluating the causes, effects and solutions to cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions»The problems of primary school education in Kano State»Factors affecting the effective implementation of continuous assessment in Oredo local government area of Edo state»Effect of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students»Factors associated with the mass failure of students in integrated science in secondary schools»Factors affecting the implementation of universal basic education in some selected primary schools»Cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions - a case study of Lagos state university»Efficacy of mastery learning on retention and performance in identified threshold concepts in chemistry among secondary school students in Kano municipal, Nigeria»Impact of principal’s leadership style on students’ academic performance in some selected secondary schools of Gwale local government area, Kano state