 Home»Health Information Management» Constraints facing health record practioners in service delivery in University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo state

Constraints facing health record practioners in service delivery in University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo state

 Department: Health Information Management  
 By: usericon iamjahmeyou  

 Project ID: 6691
   Rating:  (4.0) votes: 2
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The evaluation of the constraints facing health records keeping and health records practitioners in service delivery (A case study of University College Hospital, Ibadan). 120 questionnaires were administered among health records professionals of the hospital. Health records are very important in the management and treatment of patients, Health records as written accounts of patient’s medical history, illness narrative and complaints the physician’s findings and the result of diagnostic tests, procedures, medications and therapeutic procedures. This study adopted a descriptive study method and statistical package for social science (S.P.S.S) version 16.0 for data analysis. The study concludes that the product of good record keeping with retention, good maintenance and keeping accurate health records should be adopted to avoid missing patients’ case notes. Concerning the health records practitioners, it could be concluded that well-trained health records practitioners should be employed to ensure easy work flow in the department. Inadequate motivation for the information practitioners is seen as a constraint facing the staff of the department. The study recommended a minimum standard and principles of health record system should be established and which must be observed by all health care institutions, there should be provision of adequate space for the health record department to enhance easy retrieval and smooth running of work, there should be an improvement in staff training and development for health records practitioners to enhance good performance and productivity in the department....
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