 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of an automated hostel management system

Design and implementation of an automated hostel management system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon MrBolu  

 Project ID: 6702
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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Hostel management is an important aspect of higher education institutions, as the allocation and management of hostel facilities can have a significant impact on student satisfaction and academic performance. With the increasing use of technology in various aspects of daily life, automated hostel management systems have emerged as a potential solution to address the challenges associated with the manual allocation and management of hostel facilities. In this project, we developed a web-based hostel allocation algorithm software that allows for the efficient allocation of hostel rooms to students based on their preferences and availability. The system incorporated features such as student registration, room inventory management, and room allocation algorithms. We conducted a usability test of the system with a sample of students and hostel staff, and the results showed that the system was user-friendly and improved the efficiency of hostel allocation and management. Overall, this project demonstrates the potential benefits of automated hostel management systems in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of hostel facility allocation and management....
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