 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of advisory health zone

Design and implementation of advisory health zone

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon mrbazz01  

 Project ID: 6772
   Rating:  (4.5) votes: 2
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Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity. A conversational agent can support people as a virtual coach, however building such systems still have its associated challenges and limitations. This project describes the background and motivation for chatbot systems in the context of healthy nutrition recommendations. Technology is increasingly becoming a massive part of today’s healthcare scenario. Technology has changed the way how patients communicate with doctors and not only that but also how healthcare is administered. Artificial intelligence and Chatbots are two groundbreaking technologies that have changed how patients and doctors perceive healthcare. To make the healthcare system more interactive, a diagnostic Chatbot is proposed and developed using latest algorithms in machine learning, decision tree algorithm to help the user to form a diagnosis of their condition based on their disease type. The system will be fed with information pertaining to various diseases and using natural language processing it will be able to understand the user query and give a suitable response. The system can be used for effective information retrieval in a similar manner like sire, alexaetc but the scope will be limited to disease ulcer, hepatitis and diabetes. this program is been developed using PHP as the scripting language, natural language processing (NLP) to under stance human intent and my sql as the database and also JavaScript HTML and CSS form the frontend of the application....
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