 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of diabetes patient information system

Design and implementation of diabetes patient information system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon cleodolph16  

 Project ID: 6801
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This study sought to design and implement diabetes patients information system. In order to give perspective to the study, aims and objectives as well as the corresponding significances were developed and stated. e-Research is the term applied to the use of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT's) to the practice of research. Key areas include collaboration, computation (including high performance computing), visualisation, research data management and tools. e-Research is an electronic search system that provides researchers the online tools and resources for academic purposes and other related information that can be used for decision-making. The e-learning term and tools do exist for over a decade, the educational research field has not given enough attention to the study of student motivation under the effect of e-learning. The study stated the statement of the problem, thus the system''''s database incorporates book titles and thesis titles, making it ideal for academic institutions such as universities, polytechnics and research centers.  The studies concluded that the e-Research system is a new methodology in the ICT world of online search. The design and implementation of e-Research system is an emerging system that has given colour to online search. The study recommended that the world of IT should adopt this emerging technology to facilitate online search of information, Individuals should make their base system of search and the public should be encouraged the work with E-Research system.  ...
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