 Home»Biological Science» Welfare profile of African catfish (Clarias Garipinus) exposed to senna occidentalis leaf powder

Welfare profile of African catfish (Clarias Garipinus) exposed to senna occidentalis leaf powder

 Department: Biological Science  
 By: usericon bapatigi7954  

 Project ID: 6837
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The research project was carried out for 60 days to evaluate the benefits of Senna occidentalis Leave powder on the Welfare utilization of Clarias gariepinus in a Complete Randomized Designed setup. The leaf powder of Senna occidentalis were air-dried for two weeks in an indoor facility and then pounded into powder form. One hundred and thirty-five (135) Clarias gariepinus (mean body weight 9.6g) were randomly distributed into fifteen (15) plastic bowls at nine fish/ bowl in triplicates. Five diets designated containing 40% crude protein with 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200g/kg of Senna occidentalis leaf powder, were included in the basal feed, formulated and fed to Clarias gariepinus at 5% body weight per day. The result revealed that Senna occidentalis leaf powder significantly (P=0.05) improved the welfare of Clarias gariepinus. The highest mean weight gain (14.6g) was in, followed by (10.6g), while control had the least 10.1g. Meanwhile, there was a significant (P=0.05) difference in relative welfare rate across the diets that were fed with Senna occidentalis had the best when compared with other respectively. The research demonstrates the efficiency of including leaf powder in the diets of fish. It has proved that leaf is proficient towards improving the well-being, growth, and survival absorption in fish. It uncovers high survival rate when given to the fish in right proportion. Keywords: Welfare, growth, African Catfish, clarias gariepinus, Senna occidentalis. ...
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