 Home»Economics» The impact of inflation and poverty on Nigeria economic growth

The impact of inflation and poverty on Nigeria economic growth

 Department: Economics  
 By: usericon bapatigi7954  

 Project ID: 6838
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This study employed the use of the Augmented Dickey-fuller unit root test, Ordinary least square (OLS), LM serial correlation, granger causality test and Heteroskedasticity test respectively in other to empirically investigate the impact of inflation and poverty on Nigeria's economic growth for the period spanning from 1986– 2018. The estimated result showed that inflation has a significant effect on Nigeria's economic growth, there was a positive relationship between GDP and inflation and the P-value of 0.0071 showed that inflation has a direct substantial impact on the level of growth in the economy. On the other hand, unemployment which is the proxy to poverty depicts an inverse association with GDP. The result shows that unemployment has no impact or influence on the growth of the economy. ...
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