 Home»Business Administration and Management» The impact of debt management on the profitability of the banking industry

The impact of debt management on the profitability of the banking industry

 Department: Business Administration and Management  
 By: usericon captainonuh1414  

 Project ID: 6889
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The impact of debt management on the profitability of the banking sector partially Zenith Bank. The researcher personally administrated the questionnaire in order to avoid bias and diluted responses. The researcher administrated the questionnaire on the spot distribution where the questionnaire was shared with 10 respondents in First Bank Katsina. Respondents are agitated to give honest and truthful information at a reasonable period of time for the achievement of the stated purpose of the study. Based on the research findings, the following recommendations are offered. It is hoped they will improve credit management, not only in First Bank of Nigeria Plc but also in the whole banking industry of Nigeria. Banks should allow the debt recovery department to engage in negotiations and decide on loans to be approved. Also, a team should be constituted to monitor how the funds released are been utilized by the borrowers. The visiting team will monitor the borrowers from diverting the borrowed money to other risk ventures that the bank would not have approved or consented to. All loans and advances must be secured. The security must cover and leave ample margin over and above the bank s exposure. Good security should have the following qualities. It must be realized i.e it can be converted to cash with minimum delay. It should be free from encumbrance. It should be capable of appreciating in the valve. The most readily acceptable collaterals are land, buildings, plants, and pieces of machinery and share certificates. Finally, banking institutions should endeavor to send loan officers to courses, training and seminars in order to update their knowledge and experience. ...
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