 Home»Civil Engineering» Design of domestic waste water sewer system (case study of Sardauna estate)

Design of domestic waste water sewer system (case study of Sardauna estate)

 Department: Civil Engineering  
 By: usericon Realone83  

 Project ID: 6899
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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In conclusion, the aim of this research is focused on the domestic wastewater sewer system in Sardauna Estate, Dutsinma Road, Katsina. This involved the design of sewers, aeration tanks, and sedimentation tanks. The total estimate of the wastewater generated from the houses was 354240 litres per day based on a population of approximately 3280. The existing sewage disposal system in use in the estate was the septic tank-soakaway arrangement for individual buildings. The proposed domestic wastewater sewer system was sited at the lowest topographical level, far enough from the houses. This would allow flow by gravity from the various points. Important units of the sewage treatment plant have been designed for a specific case are: the design of primary sewage treatment is for the predicted population of 3280 and estimated sewage of 354240 6litre/day the dimension of the primary sedimentation tank is 12 × 36 × 4m high the dimension of the aeration tank is 18 × 1.2 × 0.7m high. It was recommended that an efficient wastewater collection system for sewage and sullage be designed and implemented not just for selected households in the study area, but for the entire town. Diameter of the pipe for the sewage system was 4 inches which were selected according to ASTM D3034 (which is Specifications for type PMS poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings)....
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