 Home»Hospitality Management» A survey on the methods of preparation and preservation of selected meat products (Sausage, Meatpie, Samosa and Shawarma) in Lafia town

A survey on the methods of preparation and preservation of selected meat products (Sausage, Meatpie, Samosa and Shawarma) in Lafia town

 Department: Hospitality Management  
 By: usericon Ayaka001  

 Project ID: 6967
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Meat products have tremendous mass appeal with unique sensory attributes. Products such as Sausage, Meat Pie, Samosa and Shawama etc have economic potential for the organized industry. This study was conducted to carry out a survey on the methods of preparation and preservation of selected meat products (Sausage, Meat pie, Samosa and Shawarma) in Lafia town. The study is survey in nature and therefore data were collected using a sample questionnaire. The target population is the entire population of Lafia town, but the population was narrowed down using random sampling technique to arrive at a sizeable sample size. Out of the sixty (60) copies of questionnaires distributed, fifty-two were filled and returned but fifty were sampled out and used in analyzing the data. Data was analyzed using simple percentage of analyzing data. Findings from the study revealed that the most used method of preservation in Lafia town includes freezing, chilling/refrigeration, and smoking and that the method of meat preservation used in Lafia is effective and the spices used on the meat products are good. The study therefore recommends among others upgrading the processing and preservation operations in Lafia. Once standardized, these products will be produced formally to address losses along formal meat value chains in the pastoral regions.    ...
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