 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of hospital management system (a case study of Jericho hospital)

Design and implementation of hospital management system (a case study of Jericho hospital)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon harnubhoi  

 Project ID: 6995
   Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
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The purpose of the project entitled“HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is to computerize the Front Office Management of a Hospital to develop software that is user-friendly simple, fast, and cost-effective. It deals with the collection of patient information, and meeting the doctor for the best prescription, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to register and store patient details and doctor details and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully System input contains patient details, and appointment details, while system output is to get these details onto the screen. The Hospital Management System can be entered using a username and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can add data to the database. The data can be retrieved easily.  The data are well protected for personal use and make the data processing very fast....
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