Prevalence of hepatitis B virus among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at primary health centre Kishi, Oyo state Department: Community Health By: iamjahmeyou Project ID: 7017 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractNearly 300 million people worldwide live with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), resulting in an estimated 820,000 preventable deaths in 2019. The virus is most commonly spread from mother to child during birth and through contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. Infection in infancy and early childhood leads to chronic hepatitis in about 95% of cases and leading cause of death globally. Only less than 2% are diagnosed and paltry 0.1% are on treatment in Africa. It is the most common cause of liver cancer and fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in Nigeria.HBV prevalence in pregnant women is 14.1% in a review focused on women attending antenatal care in health facilities in Nigeria. Consequently, most health facilities especially in rural communities in Nigeria often do not screen pregnant women and many fail to give significant attention to HBsAg during antenatal clinics. This research work is a cross-sectional, descriptive study, carried out in Kishi to determine the“prevalence of HBV among pregnant women attending ANC at Agede PHC Kishi Oyo State”, data presented using Frequency tables, simple percentage counts and charts with the aim to identify practices associated with the spread, determine the significance and evaluate perceptions of pregnant women towards HBsAg as well assess their knowledge on the availability of hepatitis B vaccine birth dose for the newborn. The study concluded that Prevalence of HBV among pregnant women attending ANC is lower, awareness on the importance of HBsAg screening was significant while information on the importance of hepatitis B vaccination for women of reproductive age is observed to be inadequate....Preview Download Preview +Other Community Health project topics and materials you might be interested in»Knowledge and awareness of the effects of narcotic drug use among students of Federal Polytechnic Idah»Effect of immunization in children between the ages of 0-5 in family health centre Idah Local Government Area Kogi State»The effect of abortion on female students in College of Health Sciences and Technology Idah, Kogi»Factors influencing the attitude of women towards family planning - case study of Oke Eiri, Atan Local Government Area»Problem of pregnancy and abortion on girl child education in Nigeria»Effect of malnutrition among children under five years of age in Patigi community of Patigi local government area of Kwara state»Attitude of couple toward modern family planning practice in Birnin Gwari, Birnin Gwari local government, Kaduna state»Importance of exclusive breast feeding on the health of an infant - case study of Idah local government area of Kogi state»Knowledge of protein energy malnutrition and its prevention among mothers with children below five years of age in Ubiegbe Community Idah, Lga, Kogi state»Causes, effects and control of communicable diseases in secondary schools»The impact of community health works in elderly condition in Ungogo local government»Causes and effects of drug abuse among adolescent in Amede community»A study on the causes, effects, prevention and control of threatened abortion among childbearing mothers ages (18-45) years in Gilead Children Hospital»Assessment of prevalence malaria among the patients attending Tofa comprehensive hospital»Assessing the mother knowledge on the benefit of breast feeding among children 0 - 24 months - a case study of Matoya village Maigatari local government, Jigawa state